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Amber - Liquid Malt Extract (LME) - 1.5kg - Muntons
Amber Hopped - Liquid Malt Extract (LME) - 1.5kg - Muntons
Coopers - European Lager - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Coopers - Lager - 40 Pint Lager Beer Kit
Coopers - Mexican Cerveza - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Coopers - Real Ale - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Coopers - Stout - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Dark - Liquid Malt Extract (LME) - 1.5kg - Muntons
Dark Hopped - Liquid Malt Extract (LME) - 1.5kg - Muntons
Extra Light - Liquid Malt Extract (LME) - 1.5kg - Muntons
Festival Ales - Bonfire Toffee Stout - 32 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Dune Bar - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Golden Stag Summer Ale - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Landlords Finest Bitter - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Old Suffolk Strong Ale - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Pilgrims Hope American Brown Ale - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Pride of London Porter - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Razorback IPA - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Summer Glory Golden Ale - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales - Woodland Citra - 35 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales World Series - American IPA - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales World Series - Belgian Dubbel - 32 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales World Series - Belgian Pale Ale - 40 Pint Beer Kit
Festival Ales World Series - German Weisse - 40 Pint Beer Kit

Beer kits were created to shorten the time that it takes to begin the homebrew beer process to just 15 minutes from about 8 hours!

Beer kit makers have done all that hard work for you and concentrated the wort into a thick syrup like liquid, called "liquid malt extract" or "LME" for short. 

Making beer at home is cheap, fun and quick with great results!

All you have to do to is open your cans, pour it into a fermenting bucket, add water and sugar (if needed).

Homebrew beer kits come in many flavours, styles, and even top brands that you would find in your local pub.  You'll also find it works out a lot cheaper than buying beer at the Pub or Supermarkets.

Some of our most popular ranges include the excellent Festival Ales, the Australian brewery Coopers and well known Norfolk brewery, Woodfordes, who make the top selling best bitter Wherry!

If you like, you could also try making one our our cider kits as well!

Brewing beer at home has never been so easy. 

Let's dispel all the old myths that homebrew was awful. It wasn't!  It was great!  The myths are likely due to a few dads that tried making it with buckets they used for painting, pipes they had used to syphon petrol from the car for the lawn mower, and didn't have all the information that is now readily available online. Read our blog "Are Beer Kits Any Good?" and you'll quickly learn they are amazing and make fantastic beer!

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