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Shop our selection of Barrels and Kegs used for storing and conditioning your homebrew beer, real ale, cider or lager.

We have a range of different homebrew barrels which can store up to 23 Litres (5 gallons / 40 pints) of home made beer, cider, lager or even wine.

Choose either a keg with a top tap or a bottom tap.  A barrel with a top tap allows you to put it anywhere on a counter, were as a keg with a bottom tap needs to be on the edge of a counter so you can fit a glass underneath the tap. 

Storing your homebrew in a keg or barrel is a great way to allow your beer to clear and improve until it's ready for drinking. 

Barrelling homebrew beer is much quicker and easier than bottling, so if you want it done nice and quick then it's a great solution.  Usually you would add up to 100g of priming sugar to your barrel before you syphon in your beer.  This allows for a secondary fermentation to occur in the keg.  This creates carbon dioxide and pressurises the keg.  This pressure keeps the beer safe from infection and also helps create a nice head on your beer.

Kegs work best when they are pressurised, so you may need some extra carbon dioxide canisters to pressurise your barrel as you draw off your beer and the pressure from the secondary fermentation decreases.

A keg also works well at a party as the beer is easily dispensed through the tap!

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