Email - Sent on 29/05/2024

Email - Sent on 29/05/2024

- How Can it Be Wednesday? - 

The hedgerows are screaming out with Elderflower and Hawthorne, alongside the Cow Parsley, Hogweed and Hemlock (pretty, but deadly ☠️).
So in this weeks email:
 - The usual Elderflower shout out to the recipes and videos helping you to recognise them if you are an Elderflower rookie.
- A new recipe - Milk Chocolate Wine 🍫. Just the recipe for now with the video coming soon.
- A larger version of the spinvinator - the Avvinatore so you can quickly wash and sterilise even more bottles.
- And some of our tried and tested fruity kits perfect for enjoying in the sun 🍹.

- Elderflower Season is Here - 

For all you seasoned Elderflower aficionados, this is just a reminder, but for all those people that have not tried Elderflower, where have you been?
Elderflower cordial is used in so many cocktails and it goes amazingly well with champagne.  Elderflower cordial is easy to make and there are hundreds of recipes online, but Elderflower wine and Elderflower champagne is summer wrapped up in a drink.  Get making it now and it'll be just about ready for Wimbledon. Mmmm - Elderflower Champagne topped over some crushed strawberries and a sprig of mint - Delish!
So there are a couple of things the Elderflower rookie needs - a guide on how to find and recognise elderflower and a recipe to be able to turn it into wine or champagne. Luckily we have all three.
How to Forage for Elderflower
Elderflower Wine Recipe
Elderflower Champagne Recipe
Read Our Elderflower Recipes
If like me you clean a lot of bottles, the Avvinatore is a useful piece of kit. It's larger reservoir means you can clean and sterilise more bottles in between water changes.
A handy gadget to keep in the brewing cupboard.
Bottle Washer and Rinser for Sterilising Beer or Wine Bottles
Bottle Washer and Rinser for Sterilising Beer or Wine Bottles
Get Some Fruit
Fruit wines and fruity ciders kits are really popular right now, so here are a couple of tried and tested kits.  If you love it fruity, then spice it up a little with these kits...
Makes 40 pints of Raspberry and Blackcurrant Cider. Make it as sweet as you desire.
Youngs Raspberry and Mango Cider Kit
Makes 40 pints of juicy Raspberry and Mango cider. You can make it as sweet as you want.
Youngs Raspberry and Mango Cider Kit
Winebuddy Strawberry Wine Kit
Makes 6 bottles of moorish rose Strawberry Wine.
Winebuddy Strawberry Wine Kit
Cellar 7 Summer Berries 30 Bottle Wine Kit
Makes 30 bottles of refreshing wine with flavours of strawberry, cherry and wild berries.
Cellar 7 Summer Berries 30 Bottle Wine Kit
This Months Recipe
Milk Chocolate Wine
There are lots of recipes where you add melted chocolate to red wine to make a velvety smooth sweet pudding like treat. But how about turning chocolate into wine. Yes it can be done. There are recipes online showing you how to make a chocolate wine, but after trying a few, I found them a little bitter, I prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate anyway, so was there a way I could make a milk chocolate wine?  Of course!
I also love orange flavoured chocolate (Terry's Chocolate Orange is my fav!), so I added an orange, but if you prefer it milky, just drop the orange.
Lets Get Brewing!
This wine has quite a few steps, but it's worth it, you will need...
175g Cocoa Powder (not hot chocolate)
1150g Granulated sugar - Supermarket (granulated) sugar
2 Pints Boiling Water
6 Pints Cold Tap Water
1 Orange - Juice and Zest. If you don’t like orange chocolate, use 1/2 tsp Citric Acid.
1/4 tsp Tartaric Acid
1 Pint Raisin Juice (see step 1)
            - 250g Raisins
            - 1 Pint Boiling Water
1 sachet VR-21 Red Wine Yeast
1tsp Pectolase
Fermentation Stopper
400g Lactose Sugar
5 tsp Vanilla Extract
Wine Finings
Yeast Nutrient
1 Crushed Campden Tablet
Equipment: (We have a wine making starter package for £29.99)

Stock Pot / Large Saucepan
Potato Masher / Liquidiser

Cleaner and Steriliser
Brewing Bucket
Demi-John with Air-Lock
Bottles Corks Corker

1 - The night before beginning the wine, you need to make Raisin Juice. This will add lots of body and depth to the finished wine. To make the Raisin Juice, put the 250g of raisins into a heat proof bowl and pour on 1 pint of Boiling Water. Cover with clingfilm and leave to cool to room temperature naturally. The raisins will soak up the water and swell. When cool, mash with a potato masher (or roughly liquidise), re-cover and put to one side until needed later in the recipe.

2 - In a saucepan, put in the cocoa powder. Add the water a little at a time and mixing it in, then add a little more cold water and stir, until it begins to make a thick smooth paste that holds its shape.

3 – A little at a time, add the 2 pints of boiling water to the cocoa paste and stir until it makes a smooth fluid consistency.

4 - Put on the hob and bring to the boil. Stir regularly to avoid it catching on the bottom. It will start to become frothy and as soon as it does, remove it from the heat.

Read the Full Milk Chocolate Wine Recipe on the Brewbitz website.
Read the Full Milk Chocolate Wine Recipe
That’s all from us for now.
We'll be bringing you some new recipes and videos for beer and wine in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled.
In the meantime, if you have any suggestions or questions about brewing, feel free to get in touch.

Until next time - Happy Brewing
Stay Safe.
& Drink Responsibly.

Happy Brewing!

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