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Hey everyone, while I type there are astronoughts over our heads taking their first steps in space in the first commercial space walk on SpaceX with amazing live views of the earth from space. Hope your week was as exciting as theirs! It's been pretty manic here at Brewbitz due to the wine making season. Lot's of people making wines out of all sorts of ingredients. But now it's the turn of grapes. Grapes are just about sweet enough now, but the forecast for sun and warmer weather next week will give a much needed boost to the sugar levels while reducing the acidity. So if you have grapes on the vine, now is the time to de-leaf around the bunches so they can get lots of sun.
Discount on Wine Kits We've decided to throw in a discount this month for Beaverdale, On The House, Vine Co and WineXpert 30 bottle wine kits. These are some of our more expensive kits, but they make really good wine. I say expensive, but even the WineXpert Reserve kit at £83.95, works out at just £2.80 a bottle. Still pretty cheap and wow, what great wine these kits make. So order now. We are also offering the 10% off on Pre-Order kits too. You might have to wait a week for us to dispatch Pre-order items, but it will be worth the wait! So What are you waiting for? Browse our range of wine kits and see what takes your fancy. Oh yes, you want the discount code. Use the discount code DeliciousWine10 at the checkout to get your 10% off, or just click the button below and we'll automatically add the discount to your basket. Offer Ends Sunday 15th Sept at Midnight.
Ginger Cider A few weeks ago a friend gave me a very old tin of Coopers Ginger Beer. Now I don't like ginger beer, so I had an idea. A local cider maker - Honey's - make a cider called Stoney Bonk. It has a lush scrumpy flavour with an equal level of warming ginger, so I thought it would be a great idea to try and replicate it. Now, Coopers no longer make this kit, but Simply make a Ginger Beer kit, so you can make it too. It's pretty simple to make, just 1 can of John Bull Cider and 1 pouch of Simply Ginger Beer and water. Nothing else is needed. It will make a ginger cider around 4.5%. Ginger Cider tastes great chilled, but it also works amazing when warmed. Watch our YouTube Video on how we made Ginger Cider and give it a go yourself.
Homebrew Recipes We have lots of recipes that have been tried and tested to be sure they make really good wines. Whether you have an excess of carrots, or a freezer full of fruit that you need to clear out, or a grape vine that has really sweet grapes, we have lots of recipes you'll enjoy making. Our recipe pages mainly concentrate on wines, but we'll be adding more exciting recipes soon.
This Months Recipe Munich Pilsner We sell a lot of beer kits, but not many people know they can enhance a beer kit. In this recipe, we take a Tom Caxton Pilsner, a Muntons Munich Malt and swap the yeast out for a Mangrove Jacks Bohemian Lager yeast! This takes a standard kit and turns it into something new.
Lets Get Brewing! To make 23 litres you will need...
Method: 1 - Pop the tins of malt into hot water to soften the LME 2 - Open and pour both tins into a 23 litre fermenter 3 - Use 2 litres of boiling water to rinse out the tins to get all the LME and pour this into the fermenter 4 - Top up the fermenter to 23 litres with cold tap water. I know the Pilsner instructions say less, but we are adding more Munich malt than is necessary 5 - Take a hydrometer reading and note this down for use later to calculate the ABV 6 - Check the temperature. It needs to between 10-15°C for this yeast 7 - Sprinkle on the yeast and I like to leave it 2 minutes, then stir it in 8 - Put the lid on and put somewhere cool between 10-15°C for 2 weeks 9 - Check with a hydrometer the fermentation is complete. The SG should be around 1.010-1.014. You can now use this with your initial reading to work out the ABV. 10 - Bottle with up to 3g of priming sugar for each 500ml bottle or 125g for the whole 23 litres. 11 - Cap the bottles and leave in the cool between 10-15°C for another 2 weeks to finish the secondary fermentation. 12 - If possible transfer to somewhere even cooler and leave to clear and the sediment to form a cement at the bottom of the bottle. 13 - Chill a bottle, open and pour into your glass in a slow continuous pour so you do not disturb the sediment. As soon as you notice sediment flowing to the neck stop pouring and you will have an amazing tasting Munich Pilsner.
If you can't get your temperatures this low, then use SafLager S-23 as this will happily ferment at warmer temperatures.
It's as simple as that. Cheers and Happy Brewing.
That’s all from us for now. We'll be bringing you some newrecipes and videos for beer and wine in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions or questions about brewing, feel free to get in touch.
Until next time - Happy Brewing Stay Safe. Brew! & Drink Responsibly.